Renew your membership

Renew your Membership

Regular Member: is a writer who has published at least one book or equivalent in one of the following artistic genres: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, music (musical score), visual art, film or video.

Associate Member: is a writer who does not qualify as a Regular Member, but still wishes to be part of the Association and be informed of its activities. An Associate Member has no voting privileges.

Student Member: is a student enrolled in full- or part-time studies at any level and in any field who wishes to be part of the Association and be informed of its activities. Proof of student status in the form of valid ID, letter of acceptance, etc must be provided by the applicant. A Student Member has no voting privileges.

Regular and Associate Membership Fee: C$100/yr or C$175/2 yrs.
Student Membership Fee: C$25/yr.

Membership Type [Pull-down menu]
Choose an option
Regular Member
Associate Member
Student Member

[The dollar amount corresponding to the membership type should appear once the user has chosen an option.]

Please ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the type of membership you choose. For questions, write to:

[When someone opts for Student Member, the text below should appear, with file upload functionality.]

Proof of Student Status (Choose File)
Please scan and upload relevant documentation.

Upon payment, you will receive an email confirming your renewal.

RENEW [button – links to CART or payment page, which generates an invoice and an email receipt.